50 Photos That Will Inspire You to Travel to Tanzania Right Now

by Michael Bonocore

When we launched Resource Travel, I talked about how my love for travel wasn’t instilled in me until the age of 27, when I finally obtained a passport and took my first international trip. I was hooked, but being a rookie photographer and an unexperienced traveler, I didn’t really know what to do next. I bounced around Europe for a while but partied more than I photographed or appreciated the local culture and history. I was missing something meaningful. I wasn’t getting the real experiences that I suddenly was longing for in my travels.

That all changed four years ago when I took a trip to Peru that would forever change my direction in life, my career, and my internal happiness. My friend Colby Brown had recently founded a company called The Giving Lens, whose mission was to bring aspiring and professional photographers alike to international locations. On the ground, the trips would hold two goals. One was a workshop angle, where the team leaders would help the team members improve their photography skills in a fast moving, real world experience. The second goal was what set The Giving Lens apart from traditional travel photography workshops. The team would work with a local organization helping to improve the communities from within. Today, the majority of our trips consist of bringing donated cameras and teaching local children how to express themselves through the art of photography. It goes far, far deeper than that and I wrote more about the experiences and the emotional impact it has had on me over the years.



Sunrise in the Serengeti. Photo by Michael Bonocore


Over the years as the Senior Trip Leader for The Giving Lens, I have travelled with teams to Nicaragua, Peru, Jordan, Cambodia, Thailand, India, Tanzania and just earlier this year, we led our first trip to Cuba. As people who know me can tell you, I am very passionate about travel, photography, and my role here at Resource Travel. But there is no aspect of my life and career that I am more passionate about or more proud of then my work with The Giving Lens. Nothing.



A young Masai boy watches over the controlled fires in the village. Photo by Michael Bonocore


When returning over the years, I have seen first-hand the impact that our work has on the organizations that we work with, like Empowerment International in Nicaragua. I have seen countless TGL team members return time and time again to experience this rewarding work in a new location, or sometimes even the same location. We have four of our Nicaragua 2015 team members returning with us this July!

Anyway, it occurred to me, after years of seeing the incredible photographs taken by our team members during our adventures, I should help tell our story through the photographs, and hopefully, it will inspire others to live the experience that would change who I would become and help me discover my true passions.

I am starting with Tanzania, which truly is a perfect mix of adventure and giving back. While not working with the smiling children of Excel Education Foundation and visiting schools in Moshi, the TGL team can be found photographing Lions, Cheetahs, Elephants, Zebras, leopards and the countless other species of wildlife we find both in the Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater.


Photo by Michael Bonocore

Leopards are notoriously hard to photograph on Safari. They are masters of stealth and are usually only seen at night or the early morning hours. We had gotten lucky when we came upon this female with a fresh kill. She was dragging the meal from the rocks out to her young who were just outside of the rock cropping. Photo by Michael Bonocore


Take a look at this impressive collection of photos from past TGL Tanzania team members and see why Tanzania should be on everyone’s bucket list, whether with The Giving Lens or not. It is an adventure not to be missed. I have included some of my photos in here as well as Kate Siobhan Mulligan’s, who is truly the backbone behind TGL. In addition to leading trips, Kate does almost all of the organizing and planning of the trips behind the scenes. There really would be no The Giving Lens without Kate. And I wouldn’t have found my passion in life, my career, and my love for travel and photography without The Giving Lens.


The sun sets on a herd of elephants in the Serengeti. Photo by Michael Bonocore

The Giving Lens team heads out of the Serengeti as a full moon rises in the distance. Photo by Michael Bonocore.

Applications are open for The Giving Lens Tanzania, running from August 14th, 2106 – August 24th, 2016. Apply on The Giving Lens Website.

Follow our trips around the world with The Giving Lens on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Thank you to The Giving Lens team members who contributed photos. Give them a follow. There are amazing photographers. Pat CorlinAnita BonnarensSébastien BeunJoseph EppersonAndreas SigristCatherine EthertonDonald SudyJacqueline M. KohPatt DicksonSwetha Ramachandran; Meagan Corlin Brogan.

If traveling to Tanzania, we can’t recommend local guide Godlove Urassa enough!

kate siobahn mulligan -17

Photo by Kat Siobahn Mulligan

PatCorlin_20130805_Africa, Tanzania_3189_edit_oil paint_SRGB (1)

Photo by Pat Corlin


Photo by Anita Bonnarens

Sébastien Beun Tanzania The Giving Lens 3

Photo By Sébastien Beun

Photo by Joseph Epperson

Photo by Joseph Epperson

Pat Kennedy Corlin Tanzania The Giving Lens 5

Photo by Pat Corlin


Photo by Jacqueline M. Koh

kate siobahn mulligan -18

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

Andreas Sigrist Tanzania The Giving Lens 3

Photo by Andreas Sigrist

kate siobahn mulligan -24

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

Etherton - TGL Tanzania 2015-7367

Photo by Catherine Etherton

Photo by Kate Siobhan Mulligan

Donald Sudy Tanzania The Giving Lens

Photo by Donald Sudy

Michael Bonocore Tanzania The Giving Lens 2

Photo by Michael Bonocore

kate siobahn mulligan -11

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

kate siobahn mulligan -3

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

Pat Kennedy Corlin Tanzania The Giving Lens

Photo by Pat Kennedy Corlin


Photo by Jacqueline M. Koh

Maasailand, Tanzania.

Photo by Sébastien Beun


Photo by Michael Bonocore

Photo by Joseph Epperson

Photo by Joseph Epperson

kate siobahn mulligan -2

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan


Photo by Anita Bonnarens


Photo by Michael Bonocore

This Maasai women are on there way to collect water. It can take the woman a whole day to get back in there village. The picture was taken out of the car.

Photo by Andreas Sigrist

Pat Kennedy Corlin Tanzania The Giving Lens 3

Photo by Pat Corlin

kate siobahn mulligan -4

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

Etherton - TGL Tanzania 2015-6366

Photo by Catherine Etherton

Swetha Ramachandran Tanzania The Giving Lens 3

Photo by Swetha Ramachandran


Photo by Michael Bonocore

Meagan Corlin Brogan Tanzania End of the Long Day

Photo by Meagan Corlin Brogan

Patt Dickson Tanzania The Giving Lens

Photo by Patt Dickson

Photo by Michael Bonocore

Pat Kennedy Corlin Tanzania The Giving Lens 2

Photo by Pat Corlin


Photo by Anita Bonnarens

Patt Dickson Tanzania The Giving Lens 3

Photo by Patt Dickson

When safari was over we discovered a huge herd of giraffes at the gate of Serengeti.

Photo by Andreas Sigrist

Donald Sudy Tanzania The Giving Lens 2

Photo by Donald Sudy

kate siobahn mulligan -27

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

Swetha Ramachandran Tanzania The Giving Lens

Photo by Swetha Ramachandran

kate siobahn mulligan -26

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

kate siobahn mulligan -23

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

PatCorlin_20130803_Africa, Tanzania_1971_edit_SRGB (1)

Photo by Pat Corlin

Sébastien Beun Tanzania The Giving Lens 2

Photo by Sébastien Beun

Meagan Corlin Brogan Tanzania Gazelle Pair

Photo by Meagan Corlin Brogan

kate siobahn mulligan -10

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

kate siobahn mulligan -12

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan

kate siobahn mulligan -20

Photo by Kate Siobahn Mulligan


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Sébastien Beun April 15, 2016 - 6:52 am

Wow! What a beautiful set of images! And a great read as well.
Thanks for including my images, Michael ;-)

Michael Bonocore April 16, 2016 - 7:56 pm

Awesome shots @sbastienbeun:disqus! Thanks for sharing them buddy.

Pat Kennedy Corlin April 19, 2016 - 9:27 pm

What an honor to share some of my images with this extraordinary images from our #TGLTanzania photographers. Well done putting into words how incredible these journeys have been, Michael! Gratitude to #ResourceTravel!

Tia Jones April 30, 2016 - 2:52 pm


Sayari Tano Tours & Safaris May 21, 2016 - 5:05 am

We thanks for such great information. We are safari company operating in Tanzania, Tanzania is destination of marvelous scenery and intellectual basis we welcome you to work together you and all tourists to travel with us


Foot Slopes Tours & Safaris June 16, 2019 - 4:16 am

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We pride ourselves in providing the best 24/7 personal customer care and service. Our goal is to make your journey with us the memory of a life time. We offer the best quality and value at each of our safari levels (budget, mid-range, or luxury. Take a look at the descriptions of some of the safaris, mountain trekking, and beach tours we offer. We also can design a custom experience for you based on your interests and budget. Besides our safari and tour offerings, we offer day tours, custom itineraries, group tours, student’s cultural-service experiences or family stays.

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