50 iPhone 7 Plus Photos That Will Inspire You to Visit Idaho

by Michael Bonocore

It is no secret that I love Idaho. I have told you why I moved here, how to have an epic winter adventure, and why the 212-foot Shoshone Falls is a must see for any waterfall enthusiast. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless adventures to be had in Idaho. And I will try my hardest to do them all!

This spring and summer, I had some free time in between international trips, so I did what I love to do best. I packed up my Nissan Xterra and hit the road, crisscrossing this nature filled state in search of campgrounds, waterfalls, and wildflowers. And often, I was so overwhelmed with the Idaho’s beauty, I would put my Sony camera down and just pull out my iPhone 7 Plus to get a quick shot.

Until recently, I wasn’t much of an iPhoneographer. But when the iPhone 7 Plus came out I was intrigued by the new Portrait Mode, so I shot 90% of my photos from Morocco on my new phone and created an interesting photo essay. So ever since then, I have been more confident in just using my iPhone when I didn’t feel like lugging my camera around. And this spring and summer in Idaho was no different. Phone in my pocket, I hit the road and fell in love with Idaho all over again.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the view of Idaho from the best camera that I always have on me…the one that’s in my pocket.























Created in Partnership with Visit Idaho


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